Below you will find an explanation of frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for here, please contact us

Questions & Anwers

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Questions about the clearings fromj Jolanda & Luc

Is this your first time getting clearings from us?
Then be aware that there is a lot of tidying up, especially in the beginning. This means that a few days after the clearing you can have the feeling that nothing has been cleaned up, nothing has changed. However, what we have solved is really gone, We clean up on a deep layer, however, there are usually several layers involved in each theme, sometimes a lot if it is your "common thread" through life, often also intertwined with other themes. And that means that the problem has been tackled but it needs several clearings before the blockage is really completely resolved. There is the tendency to say, it did not work, that healer is not good and people hop to the next one, but if you understand the process, you understand that it is a pity because then the process is always interrupted. So it requires a bit of trust. It is also for this reason that Jolanda & Luc have put down the longer guidance because the "relapse" can then be absorbed and converted to the next step.

Questions & Anwers about Zoom

Zoom is an online meeting system. You will receive a link with which you can log in.
To use this software, you will be asked to install a program on your computer for the first time.
This is necessary to be able to connect with each other. Normally this does not have to be done again the next time.
When you are logged in, you can use the microphone (also the webcam, but we don't use it, that only distracts). It is best to have a headset connected so that we do not suffer from echo.

With Zoom, the session can be recorded and a recording can be sent (no guarantee, it is an extra if it works, because it sometimes goes wrong or the recording button is forgotten to turn on) so that you can listen to it if you want to, because sometimes you miss a part or you have forgotten something that is good to be aware of for the integration. Or you can use a piece of meditation that we have done for more integration.

Questions & Anwers about our guidance

A trial package is useful if you have no idea what we do and want to experience it first before you want to work with us again or longer

Depending on your problem / problems, you need more or less clearings. If you have no idea what you need, you can ask us what we perceive. If you have several themes or, for example, want to work on yourself more intensively because then you can go deeper and more extensively into a theme(s), you can assume that you need at least 8 clearings and then you can see where you then stand. Especially with chronic complaints that you have been dealing with for years, you should count on a few months or a year of guidance because structural change need to be made and that takes time.
You can always ask us first what we see as the approximate time needed so that you have an indication
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If you do a live online session it is once on a certain day / time. If you would like to attend a session live and actively participate (in a session with Jolanda & Luc) then this is a good choice. Of course you can also schedule multiple online live sessions to follow a process if resolving the blockages so requires.

If, for whatever reason, you do not want an online live session and / or you notice that you immediately relapse after a session, then a longer regular guidance is useful. What we do is, in other words, spread the session over several days so that we can guide the process during that time, dissolve new blockages that arise during integration and thereby strengthen the integration. We work remotely (without your presence) and you will receive a report of our findings via email with regular "homework" for deeper integration.

For example, if you want to solve a theme just like with an online live session, the option of 1 week is fine. If you are not sure whether this is sufficient (especially with chronic problems, a longer time is needed) then ask us if we would like to take a look and give an indication (always subject to change) how long it will take. ( mail ons)
Yes, we have Insight Moments to support e.g. making a choice, to know if something needs more attention, whether a medicine, a food is good for you, or which is better, whether it is convenient to move, change jobs, etc.
We look at the current situation and also indicate if we encounter something important that influences.

In our clearing sessions we have clearly experienced that there is no "fits all" solution. We especially come across specific themes, which have to do specifically with the client and his/her experiences/baggage and which are not solved if you just follow a diet. In other words, losing weight is a very individual process which has to do with everyone's uniqueness.

That is why we recommend a larger package, of at least 16 clearings. The frequency of the clearings can be divided over a longer period of time so that we can adjust to periods in which more or less intensive guidance is needed.

We always keep an eye on what is happening and what the process needs. There may be slight relapses. You then need a break so that the body has time to adjust to the new weight. In doing so, no yo-yo effect occurs.

The great thing is, that in the end you not only lose a lot of weight, but also a lot of blockages.

Can you focus on your weight loss process yourself? If you want to check weekly whether you are on the right track, you could consider a smaller package.

Before you order a package, you can ask us for a perceived advice about the duration of the process and the package to be purchased. However, we cannot make any guarantees about the estimated time. There may be factors, for example unforeseen deep blockages that come up, that can affect the timing.

to packages
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If you want to quit smoking, ask us to see what blockages there are. Sometimes a few clearings can be enough to take the further steps yourself. Depending on what blockages are there, where they are, how deeply they are rusted, etc.
to packages
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Yes, we can scan companies.
If you have a sole proprietorship then it is mainly working on yourself because your company is a result of your energy and what you send out is reflected in your company. We recommend a package for at least 4 weeks together to focus on a healthier balance and then see if and what more is needed. You can ask us if we want to tune in to see how long we feel that is the minimum necessary to achieve stable change.
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If you have a larger company with employees, then what we have stated for a sole proprietorship still applies, but in addition there are of course many more factors, so a company scan must be done in which we highlight the bottlenecks what should be worked on.
In that case, please contact us for an intake.
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Even if you don't feel in the mood
know that even a forced smile brings on nice hormons
And if you try the smile movement several times after each other, you can break through the pattern of only feeling miserable and experiencer some more Light!